Recognize warning signals and act

Prevention of domestic violence

The Round Tables in the district of Kleve have a great interest in conveying knowledge about what domestic violence is; what can be the first signs and which options of action affected persons have.

If the early signs of domestic violence are recognized, families and relationships, kindergartens, schools, counseling centers and various government agencies need the will and knowledge of how people can be supported in such situations. Good networking and communication among each other is the prerequisite for effective and early assistance, which in the best case supports and strengthens people in such a way that violence in families and relationships can be prevented.


Campaign of the Autonomous Women's Counseling Centers in NRW

The umbrella organization of the autonomous women's counseling centers NRW has developed a campaign for prevention: warning signals of domestic violence - recognize and act.

Those who understands what is happening is sensitized and can behave appropriately. This applies to the people affected by violence as well as to the specialists who protect, advise or treat people.

The umbrella organization of the Autonomous Women's Counseling Centers qualifies and certifies specialist referees, since the materials should only be used by trained specialists.


Internetseite Dachverband

Mopre about "Warning signals"

Further information: Womens's counselling centre IMPULS


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