Weißer Ring e.V. > White Ring

Help for victims

The White Ring is a nationwide aid organization for crime victims and their families.

The charitable opportunities of this non-profit organization are diverse and are adapted in each individual case to the special personal situation of the victim. The volunteers are often the first people to deal with crimes of crime and with whom those affected can talk about their problems. Even a telephone conversation, a visit to the hospital bed, help with dealing with the authorities - simply the feeling of not being "forgotten" as a victim of a crime can give the affected people new courage and hope again.

Whoever has been the victim of a criminal offense often also has to deal with trifles of daily life, which can suddenly become major problems. Here the White Ring staff provides quick and non-bureaucratic help when it is most needed. In many cases, the initial legal counsel is financed.

Public lawyer for affected parties

The White Ring also publicly supports the interests of those affected and supports the idea of ​​prevention.

>> Further information



Bundesgeschäftsstelle Mainz
Phone 06131.83030

24h-Hotline 01803.34343

Nationwide Victim phone: 0800 0888 343

Exterior position in the district of Kleve – telephone: 02821.9736667



Please calculate 7 plus 5.

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