Medical aid

Expert diagnosis, appropriate documentation

Domestic violence is considered a major health risk for women, as cancer or road accidents. The road to a doctor is a major step in many ways for victims of domestic violence.

In addition to specific medical assistance and the initiation of appropriate therapies, the expert diagnosis and proper documentation of physical impairments and injuries and the psychological consequences of domestic violence are important steps in the struggle of the victims against the violence of their relationship partners. This is particularly true when it comes to the detection of facts which are usable in court.

Numerous doctors in the district of Kleve, psychotherapists and members of other medical professions are represented at the Round Table or are constantly informed about the subject of domestic violence. They have special diagnostic methods and are networked with employees of consulting and supporting institutions.

The first point of contact for those affected is the family doctor or the 

Emergency room of the Hospital:

St.Antonius-Hospital Kleve

Albersallee 5-6 | 47533 Kleve

General Phonenumber 02821.490-0 | Fax 02821.490-1087


Prompt help for abused children

St.Antonius-Hospital Kinderheilkunde

Albersallee 5-6 | 47533 Kleve

Contact person: Chief of medicine Dr. Jochen Rübo

Telephone 02821.490-1451 | Fax 02821.490-1089


Offers of help:

Diagnosis and therapy at child abuse, neglecting etc.


In emergency: Phone number reception area 02821.490-0



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