Legal Advice

Courts and Lawyers

Courts can help victims of domestic violence by forbidding the perpetrator to enter the home, to approach the home to a certain extent, or to stay in certain places (e.g. workplaces, kindergartens or schools) where the victims of violence regularly reside. There is also the possibility to pronounce a non-contact act which applies to the affected women and children (including the offenders).

Direct access point is the legal claimant at the Kleve district court

Opening hours:

Monday-Friday 8.00am to 12.00pm

Thursday 2pm to 3pm

Phone 02821.87-0


Addresses of lawyers

Anyone who wants legal assistance should be supported by a lawyer who is familiar with domestic violence. Addresses from such advocates are available at the White Ring, Kleve district.

The Deutsche Anwaltverein (German association of lawyers) provides information on lawyers and attorneys for the different disciplines.

An overview of specialist lawyers Kleve e.V., the attorneys' association, is responsible for family law for the entire District Court of Kleve. The chairman of Klever's lawyer's office is the advocate Ulrich Kerschka, phone 02821.70470.


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