The Department of Youth and Family

Advice and support

Parents want their children to develop optimally and receive the best support. This is a great challenge for parents. Healthy, stable family structures are an important foundation of our society. The mission and claim of youth welfare is to advise and support families, parents, children and young people.

The Department of Youth and Family of the City of Kleve sees itself as a companion and partner when it comes to such important tasks as the promotion of the development of young people, advice and support in education, the protection of children and young people from dangers to their well - Creating a positive living condition in a child- and family-friendly environment.

The following is an overview of the tasks and fields of activity of the Department of Youth and Family:


General Social Service (ASD)

The graduate social workers / social pedagogues offer you counseling and support in the family education day. In crises and conflict situations, they advise you as a consultant and try to find individual solutions together with you. In questions of separation, divorce, regulation of parental care, child contact and the exercise of parental responsibility, you will also receive competent advice and a mediation-based offer.

The Juvenile Justice Service accompanies young people and young adults in criminal proceedings.

Should you have any questions regarding the maintenance of the permanent care, you will be glad to answer the nursing service.

Head of the Department of Youth and Family is Jan Traeder phone 02821.99799-601.

The Department of Social Educational Services, Economic Youth Assistance can be reached under the telephone number 02821.99799-620.

Maintenance advice, assistance, guardianship

You receive support in the out-of-court as well as judicial determination of paternity and in the assertion of maintenance claims of the child. The paternity test

  • Secures the child's rights towards his father
  • Recognition by the father of the child can take place voluntarily before the youth office or the registry office in a documentary form; the mother of the child agrees to this explanation

The following documents must be brought to the youth welfare office:

  1. Identity card or passport of mother and father
  2. Child's birth certificate
  3. The maternity log (only in the case of recognition before birth)

In the event of a judicial paternity test, the child is represented as part of assistance. With the approval of paternity, parents who are not married to each other can make a declaration in a documentary form for the implementation of shared custody.

If necessary, the employees of the Department of Youth and Family provide the custody for minors within the framework of their official guardianship.

Head of the department “guardians, assistance, day care, children's day care facilities, youth care, advice for child day care in facilities and / or day care”:

Markus Koch, Phone 02821.99799-625


Markus Koch, Telefon 02821.99799-625

Child Daycare

In addition to the care in children's day centers, the offer of daycare is listed as a possible form of care for children in the Children's and Youth Services Act. This parental benefit service regularly intervenes when regular care is to be ensured due to parents’ occupational absence.

The Department of Youth and Family encourages family daycare, checks the quality, suitability of the families and the spatial conditions and establishes contacts between family daycare and the parents who seek such care. There is an accompaniment and support of the family daycare including the organization of training events. Only qualified nannies are placed by the Department of Youth and Family. There is the possibility that the Department of Youth and Family will support this care service with financial resources.


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