Caritas Counseling Centers for addiction

Counseling and therapy

Violence and abuse of addiction are linked. On the one hand, victims of violence often use drugs and / or alcohol to suppress their traumatic experiences. On the other hand, misuse or dependency on drugs - especially on alcohol - often plays an important role in the exercise of violence by the perpetrators.
There is also access to the "violence" complex on the treatment of the symptoms of drug / alcohol abuse, both with victims as well as with perpetrators. A treatment of the addiction often involves the treatment of violence. We provide inpatient measures in which therapeutic experiences are treated therapeutically.


The addiction prophylaxis works in a sub-area also with children and adolescents. Learning about empathy increases the access to one's own emotions and feelings of the "counterpart". Compassion is increased.

The contact with one's own vulnerability and the differentiated treatment of grief and anger sensitizes to the perception of violence (victims and perpetrators), thus laying the foundation for the change of one's own behavior, thus preventing violent behavior.


The head of the Social Aid / Livelihood Securance and head of the counseling centers for addiction questions at the Caritasverband Kleve e.V. is the graduate social worker Gerd Engler.

The Coucelling Centres are available at:

Caritasverband Kleve e.V.

Hoffmannallee 66a - 68 | 47533 Kleve
Phone 02821.7209-90 | Fax 02821.7209-93


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