The Round Table Geldern

Institutions that help

The institutions listed here are members at the Round Table of the Kleve district. This network is an initiative of the cities of Geldern, Kevelaer and Straelen as well as the municipalities of Issum, Kerken and Weeze.

They provide professional advice and assistance for victims living in the southern area of Kleve district. But also relatives and people in the vicinity of those affected as well as perpetrators can find themselves here and find facilities that provide appropriate help and support.

You will receive short information about the institutions with important contacts, their special offers on the problem of domestic violence as well as addresses and contact possibilities.

Links lead directly to the websites of the respective institution.

If you do not know to whom you should address your concerns, please call the Equal Opportunity Officer of the city of Geldern:

Equal Opportunity Officer City Geldern

Nadine Schönfelder - City Geldern | Issumer Tor 36 | 47608 Geldern | Phone 02831.398-211 | Mail

Brochure with addresses, contact persons, and several background information for download:


Handbuch Runder Tisch Südlicher Kreis Kleve 2005



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