2013: Offenders-work after domestic violence

Opportunities for victims and offenders?

The meeting in 2013 drew attention to work with offenders. Offenders-work protects the victims if it takes place in appropriate circumstances. This means that offenders-work should take place in cooperation and networking with institutions which are concerned with domestic violence in their professional activities.

The experiences with offenders’ programs are presented at the conference. The goal is clear: offenders-work is also to be improved in the district of Kleve.

>>> Download invitation folder

>>> Download conference documentation

The conference team and the speakers
The conference team and the speakers

Offers for offenders at ZOZ e.V.

The booster club for a non-violent coexistence in the district of Kleve "Zukunft ohne Zoff" e.V. has a first offer for men who beat. What ZOZ wants and how antiviolence trainings work can be seen on the website of the association: www.zukunft-ohne-zoff.de

>>> Mor informatione also on this page


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