2010: Warning signals of domestic violence

"And this is supposed to be love?"

In the autumn of 2010, a day of prevention has taken place. It was accompanied by an exhibition developed by the umbrella organization of the Autonomous Women's Advisory Centers NRW (‘Dachverband der Autonomen Frauenberatungsstellen NRW e.V.’).

The conference participants exchanged information about the possibilities of prevention in the district of Kleve in interdisciplinary working groups. All groups - education and training, youth work, counseling, therapy, and health as well as law and order - worked with the "Warningsignals"card set.

In concrete work, many participants realized how difficult it is to assess whether or not a relationship is threatened by violence, because partly the shown scenes were evaluated very differently. Their interpretation included personal and professional experiences. There have been lively discussions in the working groups, because different ideas of tolerable, inappropriate behavior, etc. have been present.

>>> Download of conference documentation

Measures for prevention

Birgitta Rennefeld from the umbrella organization explains possible preventive measures in her lecture:

Differentiation is made between primary, secondary and tertiary measures. The former include the entire preventive work, for example in schools or day-care centers. These include measures that promote the skills and strengths of girls and strengthen their self-esteem. Also suitable are courses on nonviolent communication. But the public campaign is also very important. This is about creating a political and public awareness. It should clearly signal that violence is not socially desirable and that those affected do not have to accept their fate.

Secondary measures take immediate effect after violence and prevent a second violent attack. Here the work of police, women's houses and women's counseling centers is in demand. Physical violence is usually the result of other forms of violence. This is to recognize and prevent further physical and sexual violence.

Tertiary measures are designed for a long period of time and aim at the rehabilitation of those affected. Here, the experience is worked out, for example with the help of a trauma therapy. In recent times, the work with the violent offenders has also been attempted.


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